Automotive Payouts: Driving Revenue With Personalized Experiences

From incentivized test drives to trade-ins to loan and lease overpayment refunds, payouts are key contact points between automotive companies and consumers.

Offering digital payment choices helps automotive companies build loyalty

From incentivized test drives to trade-ins to loan and lease overpayment refunds, payouts are key contact points between automotive companies and consumers. In Onbe’s 2023 Auto Survey, we asked over 700 auto shoppers about their preferences during the payout experience. We discovered:  

  • 43% of respondents are frustrated by the lack of payment choice  
  • Nearly half of consumers are likely to spend back an incentive with the dealership they receive it from  
  • Prepaid cards are consumers’ top preference for payments under $100  

Download our infographic for more 2023 Auto Survey highlights and discover how to make the consumer payment experience fast and frictionless.